
Long Street

Long Street, a new film, set in Cape Town, from South African director Revel Fox will go on circuit in selected cinemas next month.

The film, which is based on the experience of Fox’s daughter Sia (Sannie Fox) and her struggle against drug addiction, is named after Cape Town’s Long Street.

It tells the story of the relationship between Sannie and her mother Maria (Roberta Fox). With Long Street as the backdrop, it portrays the long journey the mother and daughter had to travel on their path towards reconciliation.

In an unusual move, Fox cast his daughter Sannie and his wife Roberta – both well known actresses and singers in their own right – to play themselves in the movie.

Of this decision, he says he wanted to direct a film that is both entertaining and helpful. On Long Street’s role, he said the street is the “spine” of the Mother City, a place where people congregate and where musicians practise.”

Fox said Cape Town is a star in the movie, which records its “secret places” and its changing history.

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